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Trying times.

Trying times.

Friday 4th September 2020

Corona virus seems to be the only thing people are talking about these days. They have every reason for this to take up so much mind space. Covid-19 has meant a lot of sacrifice for many, including physical hardship and mental anxiety. Restriction on holidays and getting out in the sunshine, with freedom of movement. It has also had an effect on us being able to enjoy a party or getting together to celebration a special occasion. A lot of these things we generally took for granted, pre-Covid.
No more quick trips to the pub or to the local stadium to watch our favourite football team play on a Sunday afternoon. Tried getting some work done at the kitchen table with the kids in and out?
Businesses closing down and people losing their jobs are all part of this invasive and life changing pandemic. It effects us all in some way or another.

Covid has however also brought about some positives, like spending more, quality time with our families. Perhaps, the opportunity to clear out the shed or finally get around to painting the kitchen that we have been promising to do for some time.
It has helped some of us to take stock and reflect on what is important in our lives.
It is true that trying times give us the opportunity to appreciate what is important and there are none more important, than the people in our lives.

Take the opportunity to send a loved one a token of your appreciation of them, albeit a text, video message or a phone call. It is sometimes the small things that make a big difference in peoples lives.

Fine City Crystals has just added a new crystal to our range. We hope this, engraved with those special memories, will help tell the ones you love that you are thinking of them and they are special to you.
Please see our new crystal heart on our website

Fine City Crystals would also like to take the opportunity to say we are ever grateful to all the first line workers and the people that have risked their own health to ensure the wheels keep turning.

Many thanks and good health.
Stay safe.